Get excited about the future and how can tech help you make it better
Nov 11, 2021, livestreamed to your school or university
Future Port Youth is an international hybrid event and a community for high schools and universities designed to inspire and connect students of all fields around hot topics of tomorrow.
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Let's go!
8:00 AM
Emma Smetana (CZ), event hostA fresh welcome to the Future Port Youth Conference by the event host, Emma Smetana.
The future begins today
8:08 AM
Martin Holecko (CZ), Founder & CEO of Future Port, co-founder of EtneteraWhy are we here and why it matters, initial words by Future Port’s founder, Martin Holecko.
Opening Keynote: Understanding tech matters
8:15 AM
Anita Sengupta (US), ex-NASA, Founder of HydroplaneYou don’t need to be an engineer or scientist to use tech today. You just need open eyes and minds to leverage the superpowers at hand to improve something in this world.
Knock, knock, who’s there?
8:35 AM
Emma and our partner schoolsGetting the feeling about the audience at participating schools and universities and how the first topic resonated with them.
BREAK 8:55-9:00 AM
Future is Faaaast
9:00 AM
Leonard Karsunky (CH), Chief Strategy Officer at SwisspodFrom a student team in finals of Elon Musk’s hyperloop challenge to a company that wants to make the 250km from Geneva to Zurich in 17 minutes.
Future Beyond Earth
9:10 AM
Frank Salzgeber (NL), Head of Innovation & Ventures at ESAAccording to Frank,you need more space. Why? Humanity’s future is a future beyond Earth. And it is being created right now and you can take part.
Live Discussion
9:30 AM
Anita (US), Frank (NL) & Leonard (CH)Getting deeper into the future of mobility on and off Earth topic with our 3 topmost experts - Anita (NASA, hyperloop, hydrogen airplanes), Frank (ESA), and Leonard (Swisspod)
BREAK 9:50-10:05 AM
Future of Food
10:05 AM
Vitor Espirito Santo (US), JUSTIn the future, no animal will have to be killed to produce our food. This is what the new protein movement promises - to replace animal produce with lab-cultivated meat, plan-based proteins, and more. Vitor will take us into this exciting field.
Future of Fashion
10:25 AM
Kamila Budová (CZ), Fashion revolutionary, Founder of SLOUThe fashion industry is broken. The amount of waste, the carbon footprint, the overproduction, it is all due for a serious makeover. Czech fashion industry expert and fake Parisian, Kamila will explain the exciting ways how we could change how fashion works in the future.
Interview with Kamila Boudová and Roman Lauš
10:45 AM
Kamila Boudová (CZ), SLOU and Roman Lauš (CZ), MeweryDiscussion on how we can change our approach to food and fashion to help the industries embrace new tech and circular approach, and mark a new era of sustainability for both.
Group Work
11:05 AM
Emma and the audienceGet ready for some action with your classmates!
BREAK 11:20-11:30 AM
Future in Metaverse
11:30 AM
Artur Sychov (CZ), Metaverse evangelist, Founder of Somnium SpaceIf an open metaverse - interconnected virtual reality worlds with blockchain-based economy - sounds like a sci-fi to you, Artur has already built one. In his talk, he will explain why he believes we will all live a part of our future lives there and what amazing opportunities it presents.
Future of Money
11:55 AM
David Stancel (SK), Crypto Evangelist, Researcher, and ConsultantThe future of money has already started to form. Cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance platforms, NFTs, and other blockchain-based projects pop-up (and dissapear) by dozens every week. What is going on? Does it have a real chance to change the world of finance?
Virtually Real and Slightly Decentralized Conversation
12:15 PM
Artur Sychov (CZ), Somnium Space and Daniel Stancel (SK), Crypto EvangelistWhat do vIrtual worlds aka metaverses, blockchain, and decentralized finance aka defi have in common? Surprisingly a lot. We’ll explore the conversion of these technologies with the two experts.
BREAK 12:30-12:45 PM
Future of Human & Robots
12:45 PM
Bionic Tilly (UK), Open Bionics Ambassador16-year old Tilly is a living example of how technology can change human lives to the better. Her story is full of courage and resilience, as well as imagination and innovation. She will share with us not only how she got where she is today but also how she sees the world ahead of us.
Interview with Tilley Lockey
1:05 PM
Bionic Tilley (UK), Open Bionics Ambassador and Emma Smetana (CZ) -
Future with AI Everywhere
1:25 PM
Tanmay Bakshi (CAN), AI Whiz Kid, ML Google Dev ExpertAI is the new electricity, it is everywhere. Software applications, house appliances, and all kinds of machines rely ever more on it. Where will it end? Or will it at all? Tanmay who’s been working as a developer and researcher in the field since he was 13 will share why these questions are exciting to ask.
Wrap Up
1:45 PM
Martin Holečko (CZ), Founder & CEO Future Port, Co-founder EtneteraClosing words and what’s next
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School Dating
3 pm - 5 pm
Facilitated networking for schools with Active and Partner Pack and members of our Community (for teachers and principals, invitation only)