About Future Port Youth
The Global Tech Conference & Impact Awards empowering Gen Z with exponential technologies, an entrepreneurial mindset,
and the courage to create positive change in the world.

WHAT IS IT? Global conference for students and teachers about the latest technologies, innovations, and trends.
Future Port Youth Conference
WHAT IS IT FOR? To empower youth with knowledge, tools, and courage to tackle the world’s challenges.
HOW IT WORKS? The event takes place in Prague and is live-streamed to partner schools globally.
IT’S FREE Yes, free for students, teachers, and schools after registration. Open to others for a donation.
Past Conferences

Future Port Awards
WHAT IS IT? Open call for student projects leveraging technology for positive impact.
WHAT IS IT FOR? To recognize and celebrate outstanding students and inspire others.
HOW IT WORKS? FPY speakers and partners select the winners, who are then invited to our conference.
WHO IS IT FOR? Any high school or university student team can nominate their existing project.

Resources for Students & Teachers
WHAT IS IT? Free resources for students and teachers to dig deeper and go further.
WHAT IS IT FOR? To take the inspiration from our conference to action in classrooms and at home.
HOW IT WORKS? We produce Lesson Plans from conference talks and curate a resource catalog with our speakers and partners.
WHO IS IT FOR? Students who want to explore the topics discussed at our conferences. Teachers who want to work with them in their classes.
Meet the Team
Future Port Youth is created with ❤️ by our international team of students, teachers, and Future Porters.
It is officially organized by Future Productions s.r.o., an educational, not-for-profit arm of Etnetera Group. We pledge to use any profit to pursue our mission: to empower people and organizations through exciting events, content, and communities for a positive impact.
Want to ask a question or get involved? Let us know at hello@futureportyouth.com.