Margaret Starka - Founder, HR Marketing strategist, Google Certified Trainer
About the workshop:
This workshop is powerful, whether you're a student who's ready to discover your strengths or an educator interested in empowering yourself, your department or your entire campus. Who you are is a gift given to you at birth — you are born with a set of talents that nobody else has. Turning your unique talents into strengths requires skills, knowledge, conscious effort and deliberate action — all applied to the things that matter to you. While success means different things to different people, everyone achieves their version of success by fully developing and applying their strengths.
This workshop is powered by Grow with Google.
About the lecturer:
I have started with direct marketing and for seven years I've been part of the Red Bull, where I co-created on a strategy of direct marketing addressing consumers with over 60 talented people in Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Subsequently, I entered the world of HR, where I directly co-created and developed the area related to the most important part of every company - people. I do believe that HR is an area that every company needs to focus on. Not because the HR manager has a say about everything related to employees topics, but because people are surrounded by various options and opportunities of what you can do as a manager or non-manager in the company to further develop the business.
It is essential to identify yourself and everyone in the company with it’s values and operating principles. Moreover it’s necessary to have daily confirmation and confidence in what I do. With full understanding of your and the company vision, direction and strategy.
Platform: Google Meets
Capacity: 10 - 30
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