New_Techies (KZ)
School: Specialized lyceum 20
The core of the project is autonomous drone that detects trash, obstacles. By using OpenCV, Google Collab, and Python it became possible to implement the first Machine Learning Model on the drone. This project was created in collaboration with my teammate.
By training the Artificial Intelligence with the images of the trash and obstacles, the drone is able to identify the problem instantly without the proctored vision. The collected images are sent to the local organisations that deal with these problems. We already included several ecological organisations on the map of the drone and are currently working on the prototype model.
Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 11: The project creates clean environment for cities and citizens. Alerts for obstacles on the road, plus can detect road ruins along the journey to prevent possible injuries for the car and people.
SDG 15: drone detects trash and landfills on forests. Therefore, alert governmental or private organisations about the potential threat on the flora and fauna of that area. This can be especially helpful to stop the forest fire from spreading out by detecting the early causes of it.