Galenio (CZ)
School: Masaryk university and Prague University of Economics and Business
Galenio offers a number of advantages compared to currently used alternatives.
We connect the healthcare professional and patient device. We do not store or process sensitive patient data. By implementing galenio directly into the healthcare industry we are making processes as fast and efficient as possible. We are doing this by mapping the hospital admission process and being able to use custom one-click question sets in the app and being able to share information between healthcare professionals. Also in the coming months, we will implement a much more accurate translator than google translate, which is much better for healthcare.
For example, Google Translate is currently being used to address this problem. But compared to google translate we can offer: connections two devices, conversation history, better translations for the healthcare sector, the ability to share information between healthcare professionals and one-click form questions.
In Scandinavia, Care to Translate, which is our most direct competitor, is used. However, this app only works on the basis of a vocabulary of healthcare phrases.
Now we have already developed the whole part of the first phase of the product. We can already see that there is a interest in the application. We are now testing the app in three policlinics and one hospital.
We also arrange testing in the largest hospitals in the Czech Republic, such as FN Brno or Bulovka Hospital. These hospitals are also interested in the app.
As we can see there is already interest in the application. At the same time, these hospitals have no problem paying for the application if the testing goes without a problem. We plan to start to offer the app for a full price in October.
Better to know how to app works, you can look here:
Or here:
To advance one of the UN SDGs we try to fulfill the goal: Good health and wellbeing, thanks to the fact that we try to enable foreign minorities to communicate in the healthcare sector without problematic barriers. At the same time, thanks to the integration of foreigners, we are trying to Reduce inequalities.
Sustainable Development Goals:
To advance one of the UN SDGs we try to fulfill the goal: Good health and wellbeing, thanks to the fact that we try to enable foreign minorities to communicate in the healthcare sector without problematic barriers. At the same time, thanks to the integration of foreigners, we are trying to Reduce inequalities. By working to break down barriers between foreigners, we aim to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development